Meanwhile, the US Committee for the implementation of textile agreements, an inter-agency group chaired by the US Department of commerce, announced on Thursday it would consider requests from US manufacturers for safeguard measures against seven categories of textile and apparel imports from china, Xinhua reported. 新华社报导,同时美国商务部下属的纺织品协议执行委员会星期四宣称,该委员会同意受理美国纺织业制造商提出的对从中国进口的七类纺织品采取特保措施的请求。
This gives the us department of commerce for this type of product for anti-dumping and countervailing(" the two sides") investigation cleared the way. 这给美国商务部对此类产品进行反倾销和反补贴(“双反”)调查扫清了道路。
The US Department of Commerce affiliated International Trade Administration has organized US Virtual Trade Show or Electronics Show. 美国商务部下属的国际贸易署组织了美国虚拟贸易展览或电子博览会。
The US Department of Commerce signed a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) with China last month which permits group leisure travel from China to the US. 美国商业部上月与中国签署了旅游合作谅解备忘录,允许中国公民组团赴美旅游。
The US Department of Commerce uses the price of each production factors of the subrogate countries to calculate the putative normal price. 美国商务部以被调查商品的各生产要素在替代国的相应价格来计算其正常价值。
In a rare move, the US Department of Commerce on Friday announced tariffs ranging from 10 to 20 per cent on imports of Chinese glossy paper, which can be used to make company annual reports and various catalogues. 美国商务部(USDepartmentofCommerce)上周五采取了罕见的举措,宣布对从中国进口的铜版纸征收从10%至20%不等的反补贴税。铜版纸可用于企业年报及各种目录。
ICANN, a non-profit corporation that is still ultimately at the behest of the US Department of Commerce, has faced challenges before to the way it is organised, most notably from a European attempt to put it under the control of the United Nations. icann这个非营利性组织说到底仍听命于美国商务部,它进行管理的方式就曾遭到过挑战,特别是欧洲,就试图要将之置于联合国的控制之下。
Sponsored by the IFA and endorsed by the US Department of Commerce, the IFE offers a comprehensive conference program. 主办单位独立财务顾问和商业部的赞同美国消防工程师学会提供了一个全面的会议议程。
Overall, they contribute nearly$ 20 billion to the US economy through tuition, room and board, and other expenses, according to the US Department of Commerce. 根据美国商务部发布的信息,这些留学生的学费、住宿和伙食费以及其他费用给美国经济贡献了近200亿美元。
US members in the group were composed of experts from the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce of the United States, while Chinese members in the group were experts from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation and the General Administration of Customs. 美方成员由美国商务部普查局的专家组成,中方成员由中国外经贸部和海关总署的专家组成。
But it is now demanding answers from the US Department of Commerce after officials blocked it from getting involved in the building of a national wireless emergency communications network. 但现在,该公司要求美国商务部(departmentofcommerce)作出回答,此前美国官员阻止华为参与建设一个全国范围的无线应急通信网。
Secretary of the US Department of Commerce Says in Chongqing: China is the Biggest Aggrieved Country of Copyright Robbery 美国商务部长在渝表示:中国是盗版的最大受害国